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Musa fitness divulga fotos que mostram a realidade de seu corpo

Muitas vezes, as imagens que rendem tantos elogios a ela são fruto de ângulos e iluminação bem bolados

O Instagram tem sido, cada vez mais, tomado por fotos de corpos fitness. A regra é ter curvas “ideais”: nada de gordurinha ou qualquer elemento que seja considerado “imperfeição”.

Contudo, uma musa fitness americana, chamada Anna Victoria, tem chamado a atenção no Instagram ao seguir a contramão deste caminho. Como várias outras pessoas do segmento, ela publica suas fotos “saradas”, mas, em outros momentos, também divulga imagens mais realistas.

musa fitness

A ideia de Anna Victoria é mostrar que, muitas vezes, as fotos que rendem tantos elogios são fruto de ângulos e iluminação bem bolados. Mesmo as musas fitness têm suas gordurinhas e “imperfeições”.

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Na legenda da imagem abaixo, por exemplo, ela diz:

“Eu 1% do tempo versus 99% do tempo. E amo ambas as fotos igualmente. Ângulos bons ou ruins não mudam seu valor […] Por estar ficando mais velha, tenho celulite e estrias que não vão embora. Elas são bem-vindas. Elas representam uma vida bem vivida (por 28 anos) e vida e corpo saudáveis.”

Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don’t change your worth ❤️ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn’t see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I’m getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren’t going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal “flaws”? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it’s happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it ??? If you’re following my page, you’re a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement – thank you. #fbggirls

Uma foto publicada por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) em

Já na imagem abaixo, ela explica:

“A foto da esquerda foi tirada um dia antes do casamento e a da direita, dois minutos depois! […] Se você focar no quão ruim você fica nos ângulos ruins, ao menos foque no quão bem você fica nos bons ângulos também.”

Já para a foto abaixo, ela explica que compartilhou tal imagem por dois motivos:

“A primeira é que quero que vocês saibam que ter pele sobrando na região do estômago quando você se senta não é algo a se envergonhar. A outra razão é que, enquanto eu digo isso, houve tempos em que eu sentia nojo de me ver assim, porque foi o que a sociedade me condicionou a pensar.”

There are two reasons I want to share this with you ladies: one reason is because I want you to know having skin fold over on your stomach when you sit or to have “rolls” is not anything to hate or be ashamed of. The other reason is because while I say this, there have been times where if I ever found myself in front of a mirror where I am sitting and I see my stomach, I automatically think “ew!” because this is what society has conditioned me to think. Your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat to be healthy, your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat for you to love yourself, and your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat to be confident and beautiful and an all around amazing person. As a society, we shouldn’t let physical characteristics set the standard for whether we deserve to love ourselves or not. Everyone deserves to love themselves, however I know that’s easier said than done. What’s amazing to me and what I have witnessed with the fbg girls is most of the time they start learning to love themselves more on their journey not because of the physical changes, but because of the mental and emotional changes that come from dedicating yourself, pushing yourself, and seeing just how strong you really are. (what we call “non-physical progress” and is just as, if not more important than physical progress). That type of strength and beauty can only be seen and felt from within. ?? #fbggirls

Uma foto publicada por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) em

Por fim, na imagem abaixo, ela diz que resolveu tirar uma selfie sem maquiagem, cabelo feito ou pose.

“Não estou compartilhando por pensar que estou feia ou achar que celulite, cabelo bagunçado ou falta de maquiagem é ruim. Essas coisas não são ruins. São normais. Compartilho porque uma garota de 16 anos me disse que eu sou a única pessoa que ela segue e que a faz se sentir bem sobre si própria.”

Just a lounging selfie ? no makeup or hair done, not posing (and no sticking out either). I’m not sharing this because I think I look bad, or because tummy rolls are bad, or because cellulite, messy hair or no makeup is bad. None of those things are bad or imperfect. They are NORMAL. – I’m sharing this because I just received an email from a 16 year old girl that said I am the only person she follows that actually made her feel good about herself. That even though she’s not particularly unhappy with her body, that seeing endless perfect photos started to make herself compare, poke and prod at her own body. The impact social media has on young girls and their self-esteem is an issue I feel very strongly about and if me posting one casual, non-posing, non-done up photo can help a young girl (or man, or anyone of any age!) feel better about themselves, then I’m happy to put myself out there. – Some will look at this and say “what’s the big deal?” If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s ok. I just ask that you think of those who it does help before firing off with negativity because you don’t “get” it. So when we live in a society that profits from your insecurities, be a rebel and LOVE yourself. Love your body at every angle and don’t ever be ashamed of being human, of struggling, or hey, even of loving the crap out of yourself!! ? We need more girls who are wildly confident and loving every bit of themselves and shouting it from the rooftops. Show young girls it’s not only okay but necessary to be confident, strong young women, “flaws” and all. #fbggirls

Uma foto publicada por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) em

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